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    It`s still a little bit too out-there to be worn by most ladies, even if it looks great on the runway. I am going to the beach this weekend. Carlos Falchi Small Shopping Tote When many big name designers are pushing out leather hobos for over $2,000, it is time to prioritize.
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    Well! We're still sorting things out after Hurricane Sandy around here (and truthfully, I missed the entire thing and am still sorting myself out from an extremely fortuitously timed vacation), so we unfortunately can't recap Real Housewives of Beverly Hills this week
    From the limited amount of footage we've seen, it seems like Ana's just as obsessed with her Rodolfo love triangle as she claims Karent (not a typo) is. Maybe a gunmetal leather? It would certainly look more modern.
    Update: Just came across this photo of Mandy Moore with this bag from It is made worst with all the beading and embroidered detailing on the empire waistband that further draws the eyes out.
    The shape of this handbag is very Birkin-esque, which many have noted upon seeing the bag. Dying to wear this with a poppy red dress! I am all about nude colored bags for spring, not only because it goes with everything but it is the most sophisticated color.
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    Everything that's done with this bag is done with the utmost care and attention to detail, and I'd rather that a designer focus on getting a few key things exactly right than bog down a bag with poorly conceived design elements just for the sake of visual interest.
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