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So Shahid edits his own Wikipedia page every now and then. Is it a little strange? Sure. And perhaps more than just a little. Then, when the deals go live, all you have to do is log on and checkout then BAM you are done. If you take too long or if you are not prepared, the website could crash and your chances of getting that HOT deal are gone. Another benefit to saving your cart is that if the website does crash but the store sees that you had the items loaded before the crash, they may let you purchase them later.
Sunscreen is my number 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 tip. I'm a fanatic, partially because I live in LA and have fair skin and freckles, and partially because of my kids. My mom always made me wear sunscreen and I'm trying to be that mom for them. BAA has agreed to stick with the joint venture, which this year contributed eight per cent of its profits, for another three years, after which it is expected to revive its attempts to sell. But the threeyear agreement depends on the joint venture paying an outstanding owed to BAA. A spokesman for BAA said: "The market conditions didn't work in our favour and after a review we decided that we were going to continue in the partnership.".
While it's not been confirmed, Hengeveld is now believed to be the most likely person to have been in a small, silver car that drove up and over a raised ferry ramp and into the icy water below a week ago. Eyewitnesses told police the vehicle was last seen approximately 200 metres from where it entered the water, headed toward the ocean. Divers have searched the area, but have found no trace of the car or driver..
"These dolls are so over the top even kids know they are not how real women look!" insists Dr Hall. Heather says her daughter grew up with Barbie and shows no ill effects. "We've got to get sensible about this," she says. You have to make amends. You have to make things right. You have to pay off your debt, whatever it is.
The report on the Government's asset sales plan included a comment from Prime Minister John Key, who said share prices from asset sales would be set a level that was "affordable for a lot of New Zealanders".The item featured comment from opposition MPs, including Mana Party leader Hone Harawira, whose blunt response to Mr Key's comment was: "Bullshit."Family First complained that the inclusion of the comment was unnecessary and offensive. It said the comment breached the standard of good taste and decency, and the standard of children's interests.The group argued the inclusion of the comment normalised the language and was "a particularly bad example when it's said by a political leader".TV3 responded that it was unnecessary to obscure the language, given its low level of offensiveness and the public interest in hearing a politician express his views.In its determination, released today, the BSA said it had to take into account the context of the broadcast including "audience expectations of the language used by Hone Harawira".It noted Mr Harawira had used the word "bullshit" to convey his opposition to a major Government policy that was the subject of much controversy."In this respect, the comment provided viewers with information about a political response to the issue, as well as insight into the characteristics of a political figure in terms of the way he chose to express himself."We consider that this was of high value in terms of the right to freedom of expression, and we should be cautious about interfering with its broadcast and its reception."The BSA found the use of one swear word during a unclassified news programme targeted at adults would not normalise such language, especially among children who were unlikely to be watching unsupervised.It declined to uphold the complaint, noting the use of the word "bullshit" would not have offended or distressed most viewers."Parents are sick and tired of lunging for the remote to protect children from offensive and inappropriate content during family viewing hours including promos for upcoming adultrated programmes and sleazy stories on news and current event programmes. This decision continues the trend of flawed decisions."Mr McCoskrie said the ruling removed a level of respect previously afforded to political leaders.He said schools should be wary of recommending television news to students because of "the increasing level of offensive and sexual content disguised as news"..
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