and started writing this fashion blog, with vintage as a kind of jumping-off point. And I got a ton of readers. Which was surprising and amazing, and it made me realize that there was more I could do than open up some little shop. Not that I don’t have any interest in that anymore, but I’d love to do more fashion writing, I’d love to get into styling, and mostly, I’d just love to develop the blog into the fashion resource it wants to be. A lot coach factory outlet of potential directions, but those are the doors Quiksilver is opening for me.Opening how?By asking you what you need. What do you want to do? What has to happen to get that going? Who can we introduce you to? Stuff like that.Were you working in fashion prior to launching The Vintage Society?God, I wish. I was cheap coach outlet the girl in the cubicle, you know? Did sales for a while, booked speakers for events, worked in commercial real estate…cubicle to cubicle, for about five years. And I was starting to feel like, I’m this creative person, but if I don’t start to make something creative happen soon, it never will. People don’t just walk up to you one day and hand you the opportunity to do what you love.No, first you have to apply.Right, and go through a whole round of interviews, too. Not so bad, when you think about coach outlet it.—Maya SingerPhoto: Harper Smithand now, a toast style file
Riding on the coattails of its Art Basel Miami success, the auxiliary art fair PULSE New York earned itself a larger and more comfy venue at Pier 40 for this, its third year at the Armory. And