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Such a great track! 3 years ago when we working on the Pilot we were trying to come up with the theme. We wanted something unknown, with a female vocal that was cheeky like the show. I was sent the track "When We Swam" by Thao With The Get Down Stay Down, from an independent label in the US and had kept it up my sleeve for something special.
Spring is here! Time to get out and enjoy all the nature that Colorado has to offer. A great outdoor activity that anyone can do is bird watching and Jefferson County is a great place to start. A local birding company makes it easy (and cheap!) for anyone to join in the fun..
This NOAA satellite image taken Monday, Oct. 29, 2012 shows Hurricane Sandy off the Mid Atlantic coastline moving toward the north with maximum sustained winds of 90 mph. Hurricane Sandy wheeled toward land as forecasters feared Monday, raking cities along the Northeast corridor with rain and wind gusts, flooding shore towns, washing away a section of the Atlantic City Boardwalk, and threatening to cripple Wall Street and New York's subway system with a huge surge of corrosive seawater.